Join us at the next community input workshop! Nearly sixty people participated in the February 7, 2015 workshop to help visualize the future Price Landing Park along the Ohio River in Lower Price Hill.  The Planning Group has distilled the community input voiced at the workshop and we are now creating the Park Framework Plan.

The Park Framework Plan will document the input gathered from the community, and will convey a collective vision and scope for the park.  In addition to describing the park’s primary amenities, it will outline key issues that must be addressed in order to fund and build Price Landing Park.

Please join us on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 6:00pm, at the Oyler School Auditorium to see a presentation of the Park Framework Plan.  Please RSVP via email so we can get an estimate of how may people will attend.  Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you next month.


 Price Landing Plan Present 4-15-15 Invite





Price Landing Park Framework Presentation scheduled Wednesday April 15, 2015